Royal Norwegian Palace
combination of two images. took clouds and palace separately and later played in ps. your comments in norwegian or english are warmely welcome -zohailz-
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Kritikker (6)
Andreas L.

Flott reklame for Norge!

Marius F.

Himmelen og især slottet og teknikken brukt på det synes jeg hver for seg er meget pene, men synes ikke kombinasjonen var særlig heldig. Overgangen mellom slott og himmel blir for lite troverdig. Kunne tenkt meg å se Slottet slik det er presentert her, men med en mer nøytral himmel.

Mvh, MF
sohail i.

thanks for the comments. well Marius i got ur point actually i was experimenting will come up with better in future. thanks for sharing regards
Ann F.

The picture ought to be rotated abt. 0,5 degrees anti clockwise to make the building straight, now it slants more than is comfortable to look at.
The effects on the building are well made, and also the lower part of the sky, but the clouds are too overwhelming for my taste, especially seen in context with the slightly diffused effect on the building. And also because most of the light that comes out of the clouds is directed towards the right part of the picture, but the face of the statue is lighted up - and turning left - so the main direction of the light does not match his face. Also the left column on the balcony has a lot of light on its left side - contradicting the main light from the sky.
I would also cut off a TINY bit on the left side, since you can just spot the corner of the building there, but not on the right hand side. This would make it even more centered and give the feeling of the building ''going on'' outside the picture on both sides.
Rgds, Ann

Tore B.

Hi, an interesting picture, nicely done. One major compalint though, (see Ann's comments on the clouds), the sky/clouds should be mirrored and moved far more over to the left edge of the picture so that the main stream of light is coming mainly from the left top side. Then the direction of your shadows will appear more natural. I also wonder about the white contour on the rooftop, it is too precise... some redish ligt reflections from the clouds will do wonders :-)
sohail i.

thanks Ann and Tore really appreciated :) i was just experimenting there are some '' wrongs '' in this image hope full i will come up with better one in near future. thanks again for the comments regards -zohailz-
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